“Relationships 2.0 – Learn, practice and put in action our secret formula to create the relationship and life you love”
When: November 23rd 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Where: Princeton Marriott at Forrestal (Map)
Have you ever wondered what the secrets are to have a great relationship and life together? Do you want to know how some couples have magical loving, fun, happy, connected and trusting relationships and so many don’t? Are you curious to learn how to avoid many of the pitfalls that lead to a divorce rate of 50%?
Becoming skilled in creating an amazing relationship is a lot like becoming skilled as a master chef, a famous painter, or a Black belt in martial arts…… it takes commitment, practice, teachers, methods, and tools.
We are passionate about providing the information, teachings, techniques, tools, and practices to help you create more love, fun, connection, and happiness with your partner and in your life. That is why we created our signature all day live workshop “Relationships 2.0 – Learn, practice and put in action our secret formula to create the relationship and life you love”.
About Our Workshop:
- It utilizes tested and proven techniques and teachings from some of the most progressive leaders in personal development and love centered relationships like Tony Robbins, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Katie Byron, Alison Armstrong, Teal Swan, Mark Wolynn and others.
- It is based on 18 critical Relationship Elements, affectionately called Relements, which are designed and grouped together uniquely by us to help you create a happy and healthy relationship.
- It’s a step by step program that empowers you to create the unlimited relationship and life you love
- It holistically integrates the keys to Self-Discovery, Relating, and Loving.

Why come to our workshop:
- Get your questions answered about intimacy, communication, love, parenting, etc.
- Be empowered to take your relationship to a level of deep Connection, Trust, and Love you never thought possible.
- Meet others just like you
What will you leave with:
- Increased self-awareness about your negative patterns, self-limiting blocks and sabotaging beliefs
- Clear vision on how to improve your intimacy
- A deeper understanding of yourself and your partner’s needs and wants, love language, attachment style and so much more.
- A renewed sense of enthusiasm, excitement, and love for your partner and relationship
- Skills, tools, fun activities and handouts to realize new levels of love, trust, connection, and joy in your relationships and life
- New communication techniques
- A 40+ page workbook detailing your insights, instructive practices, interesting tests, cool games and new commitments for love and fun
- A clear vision of the of life and relationship you’d love to create and future together.
- Memories of interesting and fun experiences. We love to have a good time no matter what we do, and we believe that learning while having fun is the only way.
- The pleasure of a delicious lunch, lots of healthy snacks and opportunities for reflective walks.
- Supportive community of similar minded people
COME BY YOURSELF OR WITH YOUR PARTNER to experience it ALL and put it to work for you in your life.
This workshop is for you, no matter your age, ability, sexual orientation, and stage of relationship.
Price per Individual is $300 and per Couple is $500
Includes lunch and light refreshments